Numbers 14:24
“But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed Me fully, him will I bring into the land where into he went; and his seed shall possess it.”
Caleb’s Promise is a non-denominational ministry led by Larry and Dianne Grant promoting, teaching, and being living examples of God and His Son, Jesus Christ’s, love for man.
Caleb’s Promise is based upon the complete, inerrant Word of God and led by the Holy Spirit. God’s assignment for the ministry, currently, is to teach and evangelize the Word of God and to build an orphanage, a Christian School, a church with a Bible training center, and a vocational training center with living quarters for single mothers and their children.
Caleb’s Promise is to teach all that will hear of God’s precious grace extended to all men, women, and children through Jesus Christ. There is more God will call Caleb’s Promise to perform in the years ahead, but the ministry starts here. Regardless of what God calls Caleb’s Promise to do, the ministry will always follow God’s Word, fully.

The most precious thing we have as a country, a community, and family are our children. And children are precious to God – much more precious than even to us who are parents, grandparents, or great grandparents. In Proverbs 14:31 God says, “But your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which ye have despised.” Today, many children are just that – prey to the evil and curses of this world.

However, God has said He will bring them in, and they shall know the goodness and grace of His love and Blessing. Caleb’s Promise has been called by God to show His love and care to the children and how valuable they are to Him. These children will not be prey nor fall by the wayside. They will know God loves them, they will receive unconditional love from the ministry, they will receive a fabulous upbringing, they will receive a great education, and they will go to college or to whatever God calls them into with the complete faith and confidence in their God and their abilities through God. They will always have people they can turn to who love them, even when they are grown and gone into the world.



December 2015 God gave my wife Dianne a vision for an orphanage. Dianne has always had a “big” heart for children. Through the years God brought various children into our lives. Although the time spent together was always short, the children had a tremendous impact on our hearts. God had me start a ministry earlier in 2015 named, “Caleb’s Promise.”

The original reason I thought I had named it “Caleb’s Promise” was because God identified Caleb in Numbers 14:24 as His servant who “…had another Spirit with him, and hath followed Me fully, him will I bring into the land whereunto he went, and his seed shall possess it.”

“Wow,” I thought to myself. What a wonderful thing for God to say about you! I wanted this ministry to be like Caleb, “have another Spirit with it and follow The Lord fully.” However, once God gave Dianne this vision, and continued to develop it within Dianne and me, I realized there was another meaning to the name of “Caleb’s Promise.”

In Numbers 14:26-37, God pronounces punishment upon the Children of Israel because they refused to cross the river Jordan and go into the Promised Land. They refused because of the evil report that ten of the twelve spies brought back about the giants in the land. Only Caleb and Joshua believed The Word of God and were ready to go into the land as God had commanded. For this willful and blatant disobedience of His Word, and the words the Children of Israel had spoken in disobedience, fearing the giants, God said that all those twenty years old and older would die in the desert over the next forty years. However, God further said in Numbers 14:31, “But your little ones, which you said should be a prey, them will I bring in, and they shall know the land which you have despised.” God called Dianne and me to work with Him to build an orphanage to take in “the children which satan and the world has said should be prey, should not have a future and a hope, and should be lost to the underbelly of satan’s system and the world.”

One Friday morning, in early 2016, Dianne and I were praying together. At the end of the prayer, she said, “I must go. God told me to get into the car and drive.” I asked her where she was going. She said, “God said drive, and He would give me directions.” An hour or so later, Dianne arrived back at home and shared with me what had transpired. God had her drive to a location she had never been to previously. Upon arriving where God wanted her, there was a “For Sale” sign for 107.7 acres of property on Highway 39. Dianne grabbed her phone to dial the number, and God said to her, “Do not call them, do not look them up, do not communicate with them at all. I want you to pray over this land today and come back the next six days and pray over it.” Dianne did this seven days in a row. God revealed to Dianne He would supernaturally see this land came to us for the orphanage.

Over the following years, God revealed more to Dianne and me about the orphanage. God is famous for doing what I call “a drive by” with us. I remember working in my office one day when suddenly I heard this voice say inside me, “the homes will be single family in a subdivision and every child will have their own room.” This was all that was said. I knew it applied to the orphanage. Months later, another “drive by.” “Every child will have everything new. No second hand, no hand me downs. I want them to know their Heavenly Father loves and values them highly. They’re not secondhand or an afterthought to Me. I will supply their needs according to My riches.” “Wow,” I thought. This is so different from the way the world approaches orphanages and the children in the county and state systems. And I can truly feel just how much God loves His creation. Another “drive by” was “a Christian school and a church shall be built on the land with the subdivision of homes. The children will receive love in their homes, love in school, and love in My house and will be taught of Me everywhere on this property. And, the teachers, administrators, church staff, land and building maintenance, and the parents that live in the homes with the children are to be paid well.” Another drive by was, “and you shall not pay for it.” Again, I was working in my office when this was said. I knew it was The Lord speaking, but I didn’t have a clue what He was referring to with His statement. This was three years after Dianne received the vision from God. Again, He spoke, “I will get the credit and not you.” This was all that was said. Again, I was clueless. I remember thinking to myself, “what is He talking about?” I meditated it for a couple of days until I heard The Holy Spirit say, “if you pay for it, then people will not believe God provided it. But, if God provides it supernaturally and free to you, God gets all the glory.” I finally realized God was speaking about the 107.7 acres of land. Originally, when Dianne received the vision, God spoke to her about the business we had started in 2014. God said the business would become very successful. Dianne and I assumed this meant we would be paying for the land, the homes, and all other things with the money she and I made from the business. Now we understood. God was miraculously going to provide the land to the ministry without us paying one penny for it. Praise God, how amazing He is!!

God continually provides Dianne and me with His wonderful and loving “drive by” commands and wisdom. We have believed, we have decreed, and we are patiently waiting and praising and thanking our Father for His faithfulness to His Word. We have been supporting Big Oaks Ranch in Alabama, a ministry God led Dianne to that is doing exactly what God has called us to do. Big Oaks has a mentorship program called, “Planting Oaks” whereby they mentor others, like Dianne and me, that God has called into this ministry. God has done so many other things in preparing us for this wonderful adventure in His love. There are just too many things to write. But it is and has been incredible to this point. And Dianne and I are so excited at what is yet to come. Our God is a good God. We look forward to sharing more with you as this wonderful journey continues and unfolds. May God receive all the glory and honor and may the children and all involved in this ministry or sponsoring the ministry, as it develops and grows, walk mightily in the incredible and wonderful Blessing of The Lord. Remember, we reap what we sow. When we sow to the Spirit, we enjoy all the wonderful blessings of God, our Father.