Happy Friday Brothers in Christ.

I’m not saying “Happy Friday” because I’m so thankful the work week is over, and I can escape work.  That’s the wrong attitude according to our Father’s Word.  That’s the attitude of the unsaved person and the carnal or fleshly Believer, not the Believer who is seeking diligently after his Father.  It’s Happy Friday because “it is the day the Lord has made.”  The Father only makes good and perfect things (James 1:17).  He has made a good and perfect day for His Children.  This means everything you do today should create spiritual, physical, and material increase for you according to our Father’s Word.  If this is not happening, then we are not in line with God’s Word.

There are SO MANY wonderful things in the Father’s Word.  I love them all.  Today, what jumped out at me through the Holy Spirit was Psalm 103.

Psalm 103:2-5

2Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits:

3Who forgiveth all thine iniquities: who healeth all thy diseases;

4Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with lovingkindness and tender mercies;

5Who satifieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

The Father made us for His pleasure, and honor, and glory.  He loves us dearly and wants the very best for us:  not second best, not mediocre, not average, not below average, not run of the mill, not getting by, not just enough, but the VERY BEST.  So, we have to ask ourselves, are we living at the VERY BEST physically, materially, and spiritually?  This is God’s will for us.

III John 2

Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.

If we are not, then we have to ask ourselves honestly, why not?  It is not God’s fault.  He wants you living at the VERY BEST.  He has provided everything spiritually, materially, and physically for you to live at the VERY BEST.  If it’s not God’s fault, then whose is it?  Is it Satan’s fault?  Yes, partly.  Satan is the originator of all that is evil, of everything that is in opposition to God’s VERY BEST.  Whatever God has created, Satan will oppose it with a perverted like action.  God meant for us to walk and operate in faith.  Satan created fear, the opposite of faith.  God created peace, Satan created confusion, chaos, disorder, and the like.  God created health, Satan created sickness.  The list goes on and on.  Ultimately, it is our fault.  We are the reason we haven’t achieved and aren’t living at God’s VERY BEST for us.

Ok, so it is me that is the problem.  What about me is the problem?  I believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior, my Redeemer, my King, my Lord, and that God raised Him from the dead.  I believe I’m forgiven by a deeply loving Father who put all my past, present, and future sins on Christ at the cross.  I believe I have eternal life.  I go to church, I pray, I read God’s Word.  So, what am I doing wrong?

Psalm 23:7

For as he [man] thinketh in his heart, so is he:…..

God’s Word in Psalm 23:7 is saying you are what you believe in your heart, in your soul.  And, if you believe something in your heart, your belief will make its way to your mouth.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

God is very clear that He nor Satan is the cause of death in man.  Man’s death is caused by his mouth, the things he says.  Read it, it’s right there in plain English.  It is very clear.  And Proverbs 18:21 goes further to say that what you love saying will come back to you as the fruit of life you will eat.  Our words will either bless us or condemn us.

Matthew 12:36-37

36But I [Jesus] say unto you, that every idle word [words that don’t line up with God’s word] that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment [for Believers, idle words will come back to you as a trial on this earth.  A Believer is already judged, spiritually, at the cross.  For non-Believers, the unsaved, the idle words will come back to them on this earth as trials and at the Great White Throne Judgment].

37For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.

As Believers, we have already been spiritually judged at the cross through Jesus Christ.  So, any words we speak on this earth that are idle words, words that don’t line up with what God says about you in His Word, will come back to us as a trial.  We can avoid many or all of the trials by learning and speaking what God’s Word says about us.  The majority of Believers go through unnecessary trials in life and live at levels well below where God intends for us to live.

So, why do we say the wrong things that get us into trials such as sickness, relationship struggles, financial struggles, etc.?

Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge:……

God tells us exactly why in Hosea 4:6.  We suffer because we lack knowledge of God’s Word.  If we don’t know or understand what God’s Word says, then we are very susceptible to errant word or corruptible words which will lead us astray from God’s will for us.  Ignorance or rejection of God’s Word is no defense.  As I said in my last email, spiritual laws are in place and will not be changed.  If you break them, you suffer the consequences whether you are saved or unsaved, whether you love God with all your heart or whether you hate Him.

Notice what it says in Psalm 103:5:

5Who satifieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

God is saying He provides you the good things to say so your health is renewed like the eagle’s.  Just briefly, eagles go through a process called molting in life.  Over time, eagle’s wings become heavy with dirt and oil, beaks and talons start to break, and their eyesight becomes weak.  Molting is the way of rejuvenating all their appendages, essentially their body, so they can lead a longer life.  This is why the Holy Spirit inspired King David to write about this.  Simply put, if you believe and speak what God’s Word says about your body, your health, your longevity, you’ll lead a very long, very healthy, and very vibrant and physically and mentally strength-filled life on earth.  I’m turning 60 years old October 2nd.  In November I will set the world record for the squat, the bench, and the deadlift for 60 and over.  The weights I do is greater weight than 99.9 percent of humankind can do.  This is not to brag on myself, far from it.  It is, however, to be proof that I subscribe to exactly what my Father’s Word says about my health, my body, my mind, and my longevity.  Unless the rapture occurs first, I will hold my grandchildren’s grandchildren in my lap and my strength will be unabated and my eyesight will not be dimmed.  I believe with all my heart what my Father says about my health – and all other things.  I believe His Word.

In closing, let’s look at Hebrews 11:6:

Hebrews 11:6

But without faith, it is impossible to please Him [God]: for he that cometh unto God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.

Do you want the rewards of our heavenly Father?  Yes, I know you do.  Our Father tells us exactly how you receive the rewards – by diligently seeking Him.  You can only seek Him through His Word and through prayer.   You can’t only pray.  You must know what to pray, how to pray, what to speak, which you’ll only learn through His Word.  Once you learn them, they’ll become seed in your heart, faith will grow the truths or seed in your heart, and you’ll speak the Word in belief over yourself and your family.  Then, you’ll receive all the wonderful fruit, blessings, etc. your Father has provided for you and wants you to have – NOW, in this life.

Walk mighty in His Blessing,


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