Good Morning Brothers!  And, it is a great morning and day….the day our Father has made …..FOR US BELIEVERS!  Did you know that I’m prospering in all areas of my life as I type this email:  finances, health, relationships, business, ministry, faith, etc.  Why?  Because I BELIEVE.

Ok, we’re coming up on our sixth lesson in Caleb’s Promise.  I’m not going into that lesson here.  But, it will definitely have its roots in the question, “DO YOU BELIEVE?”

The entire point of Caleb’s Promise is to open ALL of God’s Word to you and to show you that God’s will for you and yours is SIGNIFICANTLY MORE VICTORIOUS than we’ve been taught in our years of attending church.  The ministry is to teach you who you are in Christ and what is your position, power, authority, and blessing given to you by Christ through the finished work of His obedience at the cross.  And, that you’re not only spiritually blessed, but you are blessed in this world as well.  You’ll then take these truths and revolutionize your walk with Christ, your family and their walk with Christ, your business(es), your spiritual life, your health, your finances, and your ministry.  YES, every one of you have been called to a ministry.  You may not have been called to the five fold ministry serving in or through a church, but God has called every one of us, as Believers, to a ministry through our businesses, families, etc.

I want to keep this short and to the point.  We’ll discuss this at our next meeting.  Romans 12:3 tells us we all receive, “the measure of faith..”  This means every single Believer receives the same amount of faith.  “The” is a definite article meaning it is a precise measurement.  Not “a” measure of faith, which is an indefinite article and means the amount may vary.  As I’ve said many times, Billy Graham, Paul, Peter, and other luminary Believers didn’t receive any more faith than you received from Christ.  So, why do they seem to achieve “great” things for our Father, and we struggle?  Before I answer this, let me first say every one of them failed — not once, but many times.  No one is perfect in the flesh except for our King, Jesus Christ.  So, having understood this, how is it these men and women achieved “great” things for our Father?  They “believed.”

The faith we have in us is the faith of Christ.  Did Christ’s faith ever waiver?  Did His faith ever fail to accomplish His desire?  No!  So, why are we struggling?  One thing of important note is Christ said in Matthew 17:20 that we only need faith the size of a grain of mustard seed.   The mustard seed is a super small seed.  If we just exercise a LITTLE faith, we can literally and physically move mountains.  But also notice what Jesus said prior to this…”because of your unbelief:”.

Matthew 17:20

And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief: for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you.

Jesus’ faith in you is sufficient to DO ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING in this world.  Look at what Jesus did in this world – did He fail; did He struggle; did He worry; was He sick; did He ever unwillingly miss a meal?  The answer to all this is NO.  Why?  Because Jesus doesn’t believe in failure, worry, sickness, poverty, struggle, hunger, etc.  All of this is of the curse – introduced by Satan.  It is the counterfeit to what Jesus created, what Jesus went to the cross to redeem.

Jesus had the faith of His Father in Him.  However, if Jesus had not believed in the faith He had from the Father, He would have been powerless on this earth – like a great majority of today’s Believers.  Lovers of Christ, but babes in the Word, still on milk, powerless, still a servant to the world and its system.  When Jesus told Peter to cast the nets, Jesus believed that He, through the spoken Word, had the power to summon the fish to the nets.  The faith of His Father and His belief in His Father’s faith accomplished what He spoke.  Then, Peter had to exercise his faith.   What’s most important about these passages in Luke 5 is it was Jesus’ faith and belief that brought the fish.  Peter didn’t really believe, but he was exercising faith by being obedient.  Why did Peter not believe?  Because he was almost completely influenced by the world and its wisdom – middle of the day, hot, fish don’t bite, toiled all night when it was the right time for the fish to bite and caught nothing, etc.  Yet, because Peter had sat in the boat and heard Jesus’ teachings to the masses, Peter had a grain of faith.  On his own, Peter never would have caught anything.  However, Jesus was modeling through example, signs and wonders, how faith is exercised and activated by belief and the spoken Word.

I could write pages, but I need to end this.  We’ll definitely discuss it at the meeting.

Here’s something neat the Holy Spirit showed me recently.  In Genesis 2:19, it tells us that God BROUGHT every beast of the field and every fowl of the air to Adam to see what he [Adam] would call them.  Notice that Adam didn’t have to labor by going to every beast of the field and every fowl of the air.  God brought them to him.  Wow!!  If Adam would have labored, it would have violated God’s law.  And, how did Adam know what to name the beasts and fowl?  God gave the names to him.  How so when it says Adam named them?  Because Genesis 1:26 said God made man an exact duplicate of Himself.  Adam had the mind of God, he knew all things, and he knew things to come.  Does this sound familiar from what we’ve been studying from the New Testament?  Absolutely!!  We, as Believers, have the mind of God (1 Cor 2:16), know all things (1 John 2:20), and know all things to come (John 16:13).

Adam had stepped from the sixth day of creation into the seventh day of rest.  Adam was not to labor.  God did everything on Adam’s behalf.  Adam just received.  This is what is commanded of us in Hebrews 4:9-10 – cease from your own works and labor to enter into His rest.  Your blessings are to overcome and overtake you (Deut 28:2) – not you chase your blessings.  That is violating God’s law.

Love all you.  You are blessed – MIGHTILY.  Walk in complete belief in the blessings God has bestowed upon you and yours.  Decree them over you, your family, your health, your business, etc.



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