How Long Has God Designed You to Live?

Good Morning Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

We continue delving into the Word of God to see the Truth and not religious dogma, doctrine, and errancy.  Attacking the Word of Truth is Satan’s greatest weapon.  If he can get us believing a half-truth, which is no Truth at all, it severely dilutes the Blessing of the Lord in our lives.  We fail to operate according to God’s Word, even though our hearts mean well, and the Spiritual Laws of the Kingdom of God are of no effect in our lives.  If you read Genesis 2, this is exactly what Satan did with Eve.  He attacked God’s Word because he knows the Word combined with faith yields God’s power.  If Satan can compromise the Word, then faith has no power.  Romans 10:17 makes this abundantly clear:

Romans 10:17

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.

Faith is built up to a great power in Believers by constantly being in and meditating the Word of God.  Think of it as an LED power strip showing how much Spiritual charge you have in you.  If you don’t spend time in God’s Word, the LED strip will register low or very low power.  When Satan comes against you, you have no faith to withstand him.  If you spend a diligent amount of time in God’s Word, your LED power strip will register very high or full.  When Satan attacks, you speak the Word of God against him in faith, and Satan retreats (James 4:7).

Now, let’s quickly address the title of this email.  Again, I’m not going to give you all the information.  I’ll give you just enough to get you started in a study with the partnership of the Holy Spirit.  You’ll learn God’s wonderful and blessed Truths for yours and you.  Did you know God intends for you to live 120 years in great health, physically and mentally, and to be spiritually and materially blessed so you have no worries about enough money to live for that span of time.  I know, I hear the groans already.  That’s the stinking thinking of the natural you.  Let’s look where God states this in His Word.

Genesis 6:3 (KJV)

And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Genesis 6:3 (Youngs Literal Translation)

And Jehovah saith, `My Spirit doth not strive in man — to the age; in their erring they [are] flesh:’ and his days have been an hundred and twenty years.

God says He will not strive with man which means He will not contest with or contend against man.  God acknowledges we have the weakness of a corruptible flesh, because of Adam’s sin, and our days are 120 years.  Remember, God created Adam and Eve to be eternal until Adam sinned and death entered the earth as part of the sin curse.

A popular teaching which you hear in many churches, which I’ve heard with my own ears, and hear preached at many funerals is Psalm 90:10.  Even mainstream natural man believes this as well.

Psalm 90:10

The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labor and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.

If you study Psalm 90, you see it is written by Moses, and it is an account of the Children of Israel in the Wilderness after they refused to enter the Promised Land when God directed them to go into it.  Because they refused to enter the Promised Land as God directed due to their “stinking thinking,” all the Children of Israel 20 years and older at the time were given life sentences that ended at 70 years and no more than 80 years if they took good care of themselves (read Numbers 13 and 14).  Only Caleb and Joshua and their family members above 20 years of age lived and went into the Promised Land 40 years later.

So, with just a little bit of study and guidance by the Holy Spirit, it isn’t difficult for a Believer to see this is NOT the will of God for His children.  It was only for the Children of Israel at that time in the Wilderness.  God has created Believers to live to be 120 years of age.  So, why don’t Believers live to be 120 years of age?  Proverbs 18:21 gives us the reason.

Proverbs 18:21

Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

Proverbs 18:21 reveals the very reason why Believers don’t live to 120 years of age.  The sole reason for it is “their mouths.”  Where did God say “death and life” reside?  Yes, in your tongue.  Whatever you speak over yourself, you will reap and eat the fruit thereof.  Just think of all the things we say over ourselves every day.  My father had cancer, so it runs in my family.  Is this what God’s Word says?  No.  Then it’s a lie from Satan.  It’s flu season, so I’m going to get my shot.  Is flu part of the Blessing or the curse?  Yes, it is part of the curse, and Christ redeemed you from the curse (Galatians 3:13-14) so the Blessing of Abraham could come upon you through Christ.  By intimating you could get the flu, you have a very good chance of getting it.  Since God called me out just over seven years ago and had me study and study His Word, I’ve not been remotely sick even once.  Even when Satan tried to take me out with a heart attack, I stopped it in its tracks with the Word of God.  My heart was fine, but Satan was trying to get me to buy into the mirage of a heart attack.  Yes, I had all the symptoms and pain, but God had me speak against it in tongues and with His Word until it stopped and passed.  God revealed He gave me a new heart so there would not even be a scar of Satan’s attack.  I laugh at COVID.  I’ve been around people with COVID, in the same room for extended periods of time, and even hugged them.  I can’t get it.  Some might say I’m being prideful with my statement.  Absolutely not.  The only pride I have is in the Truth of God’s Word.  I cannot get sick.

Every single day, I speak to my heart and to my body and tell it that I will live to be 120 years old.  For most of us, we envision 120 years of age as being old and decrepit, barely able to physically function, our minds not being sound or barely sound.  Why do we have this picture?  Because that’s the lie Satan and the world have painted for us.  Let’s see what God’s Word says.

Deuteronomy 34:7

And Moses was an hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.

The setting of this verse is Moses, at 120 years of age, having climbed Mt. Nebo to see the Promised Land.  Now, how many 120 years old do you know who can climb a mountain by themselves, still have the eyesight of their youth, and the strength of their 30’s?  Moses did.  But Larry, he was special, and God enabled him to live this long with supernatural intervention.  Yes, and the same belongs to you because the Word is God is NO respecter of persons.  This means He will not treat you any differently about His promises than He treated Moses.

Joshua 14:11

As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in.

Caleb was 85 years old when he stated the above verse to Moses.  Caleb went on to fight the giants that lived in the mountainous terrain of Hebron and take the land God promised to him and his seed.  Why were Moses and Caleb able to do this?  Because they believed and spoke the Word of God over themselves and their family.

Psalm 103:5

Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

God tells us to meditate His Word and to speak His Word over ourselves and our families for any situation.  God gives us plenty of Scriptures to speak over our bodies.  Every day I seek to speak to my body and tell it how it will feel and live that day.  I don’t allow it to tell me how it is going to live and feel.  This is exactly what God commanded us to do in Joshua 1:8.

In closing, I’m going to live 120 years or leave in the Rapture, whichever occurs first.  God has assignments for me to complete that will require me to live to 120 years of age.  And I will be like Moses and Caleb.  My strength (physical and mental) will be unabated, and my eyesight will not be dimmed.  I will take up the sword of God daily and battle against Satan sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I will sit my great-great grandchildren on my knee and tell them of Jesus Christ.  I will finish all the assignments God has for me.  Time on this earth will come and go like a vapor in the wind.  Only what we do for Christ will be eternal and remain.  I pray you’ll join me and many other Sisters and Brothers in Christ willing to believe the inerrant full Gospel of Jesus Christ.  We have much to do for the Father, and He has assignments for you.  Will you fulfill them or stand before Him empty handed?  It’s entirely our choice.  Will your pride win out over His love?

In Christ,


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