Good Morning Brothers,

Thanks to the Brothers that were able to make it to our Caleb’s Promise meeting this past Thursday.  We had a great time in Christ.  I was, and always am, blessed by each of you and your diligence for God’s Word.  You are the Special Operators, the Special Forces, among those called by God’s name.

God has shown me, through His Word, there are two types of Believers.  Where can you find these two types of Believers?  Look in Numbers 13:26-33.  Moses sent 12 spies into the Promised Land, for 40 days, to bring back a report of the land.  We all remember the Christian children’s song chorus that went, “ten were bad and two were good.”  God was very clear to the Children of Israel that He had delivered this land into their hands, hundreds of years before this very moment.  He reminded them of the same when He brought them out of Egypt.  And, in Egypt, and in the journey to the Promised Land, God did incredible miracles in front of the Children’s very eyes.  Yet, when the spies returned to give their report to the congregation of the Children of Israel, ten spies said it was a great and wonderful land, yet there was no way they could take it.  Caleb and Joshua argued otherwise.

Numbers 13:30:

And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it, for we are well able to overcome it.

Regretfully, the rest of the adults of age 20 years and above all believed the evil report of the ten spies.  They believed them over the Word of God and over all of the signs and wonders God had performed for them from Egypt to this point and was continuing to perform for them at the very moment they tossed aside His Word for the wisdom of man, the ten spies.  So, all of those that believed the ten spies lived the life of a carnal man until they died at an early age of 70-80 (yes, it’s early because God made man to live to 120 years of age – read Genesis 6:3) in the desert – just across the Jordan River from the Promised Land.  So close, but yet so far away.

So, what are the two types of Believers?  Those that believe all of God’s Word and those that cherry pick it.  Yep, it’s just this simple.  God’s Word really is very simple, if you walk in the Spirit of God.  Otherwise, it’s tough to understand.  God has made His Children to live awesome lives on this earth.  Until you can see this, you will not believe it.  If you can’t believe it, then you won’t receive all the awesome things God has already provided you.

I have to be a witness to the truth and power of God’s Most Holy Word.  Four year’s ago, I hated my life.  Yes I was saved – since 13 years old.  Yes I was very successful by the world’s standards.  Yes I was still accomplishing a lot of resume enhancers inside and outside of work.  Yes I went to church, tithed, and was considered an “upright” man by the church.  Yet, I hated life.  I thought to myself many times, if this is the best it will be on this earth walking with God, then I want to leave and go home to Heaven to be in His presence.  There was nothing else I wanted in this earth.  Praise God, as His Word clearly states, He hears even the groans of His children.  For time’s sake, I won’t go through it all here, but my life begin changing December 2013 in a cabin in North Carolina and then really took off in February 2014 when I quit my very lucrative job to follow God.  I’ll write more one day about the journey through the four years.  I will tell you this.  God had me sit at His feet for two years, until early 2016, with little distraction.  During this time, He poured His Word into me.  He drove the root of His Word deep into the soil of my heart.  Then in early 2016, a little growth appeared above the ground of my life.  Since then, God has been growing it into the proverbial mustard tree.

God has called my wife and I into an orphanage, Christian school, and church ministry under Caleb’s Promise.  He has given the vision to my wife and then imparted parts of the vision to me.  He has called me into ministry into the business world to set straight the wrong teachings of most of the churches.  God has called teachers into my life such as Andrew Wommack, Bill Winston, Joseph Prince, Duane Sheriff, Ken Ham, etc.  Yeah, my church and denomination, which I’ve long abandoned, called these men, heretics, and their teachings, heresy.  God calls it His Truth.  Never had God ever moved in my life like He has through what I’ve learned from these men and the teachings of the Holy Spirit which confirms the truth of the teachings.  I am seeing incredible things happen and every day God’s faith in me is growing more and more powerful to my believing of every single Word of God.  If God says it, it is so, and I can do it!  Is anything too hard for my Father (Genesis 18:14)?  My business is exploding with opportunity.  My relationship with my wife is incredible.  I wake up every day excited and with an expectation of my Father.  God is revealing more and more of the length, breadth, depth, and height of His Word to me.  I’m at peace, joyful, and happy.  When trials come against me, and they always will, I have great peace and expectation of my Father to take care of it for me.  I just speak God’s Word against the trial and watch it melt away.  Both of my sons-in-law have come to know Christ as their Savior.  The two oldest of my eight grandchildren, the 9 and 7 1/2 year old, have accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior.  All I have to say is watch my future and give God the glory.  I’m not perfect, I still sin, I still have SO MUCH to learn of God’s Word, Satan still attacks me, I’m still learning so much, but praise God I’m moving forward.  I’m not there, but the ship has left and is well underway.  I just can’t tell you how wonderful and exciting it is to receive the grace of God – freely given to us – unmerited, unearned, undeserved favor of our Father in everything we do.  If you can’t believe it, you can’t have it.

The Caleb’s Promise lesson was about Prayer.  What I had learned a couple of years ago and had to work diligently to put into place was the proper approach to prayer.  Simply put, most Believers have a wrong understanding of prayer.  Yours truly was just the same until the Holy Spirit led me to teaching and then further taught me what prayer really is and how we are to conduct prayer.  My prayer life was all jacked up according to God’s Word.  No wonder most of my prayers weren’t being answered.  It wasn’t God holding out on me, it was my ignorance, and my unwillingness to do what God commands us to do:  study His Word and test the spirits of that which you are allowing to be taught to you in church.  There is an old saying in computer programming I learned decades ago:  garbage in, garbage out.  This is so appropriate for today.

Attached is the notes from the lesson on prayer.  They are yours for your using.  I have no copyright on anything, so you are free to use them.  Just ensure you give credit for sayings or passages of writing where I have quoted other sources.  It is my heartfelt prayer you will read through these notes and learn what your Father has for you.  I promise you that all, but about two or three, of you will have what you know and have been taught of prayer turned on its head.  Jesus had every single prayer answered.  Do you have every single prayer answered?  If not, then something is wrong with your prayer life or with your thinking.

Love to all of you in Christ.  I pray if you are in bondage to man’s errant teachings of God’s Word that you will be delivered from the bondage and set free to the true grace of our Father.  I Peter 1:2 makes it clear that Grace and Peace will be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus, our Lord.  You can only get knowledge through His Word – through His inerrant and whole Word.



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