Good Morning All,
Thank you to the Brothers-in-Christ who attended Caleb’s Promise yesterday. It was a tremendous blessing to me to see your love of Christ and your eagerness to do MIGHTY things for our Father. You definitely have the “other spirit” God spoke of about Caleb in Numbers 14:24. Keep pressing into the Father, and His Word says He’ll reward you in this lifetime and in eternity. I know. I’m living it every day, and I know, according to God’s Word, today will be greater than yesterday and tomorrow will be greater than today. Awesome!!
Our study was on the Redemption from Poverty. We learned that even though the majority of Believers are not impoverished, and may even be doing well by the world’s standards, our Father says if our thinking is not right, then we are in poverty through a dependence on the world’s system and thus exposed to the curse in this area of our lives. With God, everything is very, very simple. God is binary: yes or no, right or wrong, light or dark, saved or unsaved, blessed or cursed. There is no in between, no lukewarm, no grey, no middle ground. You may be doing well by the world’s standard, but if your thinking is wrong, you open yourself to the curses of Deuteronomy 28:15-68. You may say that’s wrong, or that’s not fair, or I don’t believe this, or this is not what my denomination teaches, etc. With our Father, He keeps it very simple. It’s His way and no other way. It’s His truth and no other truth. No matter what we may think, prefer, believe, or subscribe to, if it’s not in line with God’s truth, then we are wrong. If we are wrong, we open ourselves up to the curse in that area of our thinking: healing, finances, children, business, deliverance, marriage, etc. People say, how could a loving God do such a thing, expose a person to the curse because of their thinking, whether ignorance or by rejection. Good question.
God created spiritual and physical laws. The spiritual laws supersede the physical laws. The laws God created, He spoke into existence, and they remain in existence due to the word of His power (Hebrews 1:3). God CANNOT change that which He has spoken:
Psalms 89:34
My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips.
Once God has spoken something, it is established for eternity. He doesn’t change (Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8). So, no matter who we are, God is not going to change anything. He is no respecter of persons – no matter your position in life, your wealth, your power, your education, etc., God treats every man and woman the same – by His spiritual laws – His Word.
If Believers come to understand The Blessing given to them by God when He blessed Abram (later Abraham) in Genesis 12:1-3, they will become redeemed from the curse of poverty. And, they will enjoy the fruits of God’s Blessing upon us. Many say to me, well that was for Abraham, not today. Well then, rip Galatians 3 out of the Bible since it doesn’t apply today – written by the apostle God expressly gave the New Covenant to carry into all the world – Paul. I just have to say to them, “you can argue with God and Paul – good luck.”
The Blessing provides three things to Believers:
- An anointing through which divine favor flows.
- An ability to prevent misfortune in the lives of other people.
- The covenant of God which overrides the curse in the earth.
In closing, I’ve had Believers say to me, I can’t be affected by the curse because I’m saved. Unfortunately, that’s ignorance of the Word of God. Yes, one can be saved and love God with all their heart and be impacted by the curse in areas of their life. Why? Because they are not adhering to God’s spiritual laws. And, God is not going to suspend His spiritual laws for any man – no matter how holy they are in life. And, we see evidence of it all around us in Brothers and Sisters in Christ: financial issues, relationship issues, health issues, addiction issues, depression and emotional issues, etc. These issues are all of the curse. Our precious Father, through Jesus Christ, has provided a way of escape – through His Word. Remember the secular statement, “ignorance is no defense against the law.” It applies with God’s spiritual laws as well.
Our Father loves us dearly and wants us to have the VERY BEST. There is a way, a blueprint, given to us to have His VERY BEST. Study it and pursue after Him. He’ll reward you with revelation, fruitfulness, and blessings.
In Christ,