Who Are You Imitating?

Good Morning Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

What a glorious day it is in Christ.  This is the day the Lord has made.  And, we know everything the Lord creates is good and perfect (James 1:17).  Is it your hope or your faith to increase today (Psalm 115:14)?  Hope is time, faith is now.  Where are you?  As children or babes in the Word, we start out in hope.  As we become mature adults in the Word, we operate in faith.  If you never study God’s Word, you are doomed to operating only in hope.  Hope will never come to fruition without faith.  Faith will never come without studying/meditating God’s Word (Romans 10:17).

Proverbs 13:12

Hope deferred maketh the heart sick:  but when the desire cometh, it is a tree of life.

Don’t defer your hope by not studying the Word of God and transforming your hope to faith.  Hope is a matter of time.  You meditate and meditate on God’s Word until the dream (hope) become so real that you have the faith to confess it (agree with God’s Word).  Faith is now.  God operates outside of time and space.  We can do the same in the spiritual realm.  What is spiritual and operates in the spiritual and physical realm when we speak it?  God’s Word (John 6:63).

Ephesians 5:1

Be ye therefore followers [imitators] of God, as dear children:

We’re instructed by the Holy Spirit we are to imitate God in everything:  thought, word, and deed.  How do we know what God thinks, speaks, and does?  By His Word and the example of Jesus Christ.

John 14:15

If ye love Me, keep My commandments.

We imitate our Father by keeping His commandments.  This means we’re to speak and believe His promises to us.  When we do, the promises come to pass in our lives.

In closing, if you only stay in the boat of religion, which is much of the church today, you’re going to meet other disciples.  If you step out of the boat onto the water, you’re going to meet Jesus Christ.  When you determine you are going to imitate God in all areas of your life, you’re stepping out of the boat.  Imagine the thrill of walking with Christ above the storms, the waves, and the winds of the natural realm, unimpacted by it all.  Yes, it’s there, but it doesn’t impact you.

This Saturday we’re continuing our study of Manifesting the Abundance Part I from 2PM – 5PM at the Christ Centered Church of Dover.  Do you know what country in the world has the richest churches, richest and healthiest pastors, and richest and healthiest church bodies?  Nigeria.  Why Nigeria?  Because the people there have nothing else but Christ for hope and faith.  They don’t have their religion, denomination, job, or other comforts of life to distract them.  They take Matthew 6:33 completely to heart and the country is being transformed as a result.  Praise God for this and for the power of His Word!

Have a great weekend in Christ,


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